The Story of a NEET guy who suddenly acquired magical girl powers...
I Can't Believe This NEET Guy Transformed Into a Magical Girl or KOTOMASHO for short, is an Adventure game inspired by anime and old school games like The Legend Of Zelda Link's Awakening while adding an RPG leveling system and both procedural as well as non-procedural dungeons.
The story follows Genji, a Japanese NEET who just spends his days peacefully playing in virtual reality. One day Genji receives a crystal-looking good luck charm from his sister and while logging into the VR world, he is transported into the Realm of Dreams transformed into a magical girl!
Now, with his newly aquired magical powers, he travels the Realm of Dreams fighting nightmares and helping his new friend Yumeko in search for her sisters.
Pick up from a range of different types of magical powers scattered all around the world to level up and become stronger to defeat the evil nightmares that torment the dreams of humanity.
Explore both procedurally and non-procedurally generated dungeons and fight your way through traps, puzzles, obstacles and nightmares using your special weapons.
Travel all around the realm of dreams, find treasure, discover many diferent places and save the world from nightmares!
A 21 year old NEET (acronym for Not in Education, Employment, or Training) Japanese guy who was too scared of finding a job after graduating so he just spends the whole day playing in virtual reality.
In the past this was Genji's online persona in VR social games, now he uses it as the name of his Magical Girl persona. Miyu is the heir to the powers of Magic and Dreams, previously owned by Yumeko.
Miyu's familiar now that she is in cat form, she used to be human until she was mysteriously transported to our world with the crystals and trapped in the realm of dreams. She was the former Magical Girl of Dreams and one of the five Magical Girl Sisters.
A mysterious man that Miyu and Yumeko met in the realm of dreams. He has the power to open shops, create items and transform anything into currency even in the realm of dreams. Yumeko seems to have an idea of who he might be.
Magic Powers
Inspired by the Metal Slug weapon system, KOTOMASHO Features a wide variety of different magic powers that you can pick up all over the world. They vary in strength, movement, speed and shape.
Here's a sneak peek at some of them:
Normal Power
Wide Power
Tri Power
Boomerang Power
Magic Specials
You'll need to find 8 special artifacts hidden deep within the dungeons to solve puzzles, clear blocked paths, use as weapons and overall help you in your journey.